Ideation & Brainstorming
Where I started
Ideation for this project began with my initial research into Walmart as well as some of its major competitors with the hopes of finding what granular differences there were between services offered. This helped me not only understand what specifically Walmart did but also, more importantly, what they weren't doing.
Market Research
I began by looking at what all services were offered through major chain grocers, whether in person or online, and began comparing these different services and how they appeared against Walmart’s current structure.
The Navigation Side
The incorporation of navigation quickly became my goal after this initial set of research, so I began this next stage by looking at what the pros within this field offer and how they went about delivering these tools to users.
Journey Maps
This initial research was used to help craft proto-personas for myself which would flesh out to become journey maps. All three of these maps started users with the exact same task with the only changes occurring being due to the personalities crafted through proto-personas.
This lead to more then a handful of insights that could have been carried into this project as well. But due to my timeline the scope of this project couldn’t get to out of hand.
Shaping Success & IA
The results of these maps as well as research is what ultimately pushed me toward defining my own success for this project.
Some of the insights I found which helped direct this project were.
- For aisle by aisle shoppers why couldn’t we proverbially hold their hands from item to item?
- For frequent shoppers that purchase much of the same goods, was there a point during the interaction where we could remind them not to forget commonly bought items?
- For customers who might not be the biggest fan of self-checkout could there be an opportunity to notify users of the fastest check-out line?
- For more power users who generally know the layout of their store could we help pinpoint for them where what they are looking for is at and what might be close by? What if they went to a new store?
These initial questions & research were used to help craft onto Walmart’s current IA which ultimately went through a few iterations as the fidelity and details of the prototype became more clear.